Winter Workshop
Winter Workshop Series
KCTL was established in the Fall of 2005 and, since then, has hosted workshops facilitated by leading thinkers in teaching and learning from across the country. Eventually, we settled into a pattern of offering these workshops each winter, and now refer to these as our Winter Workshop Series. Below is a list of workshops that we have hosted; click on a title to learn more about that workshop. If you are interested in learning more about any of these workshop topics, please contact us at ext. 5252 or at
2025 - A Pedagogy of Kindness”: Teaching, Engaging, And Thriving in Higher Ed
2024 - Equitable Civic Engagement as a High Impact Practice
2023- The New College Classroom: An Interactive Workshop on Equity-Minded Practices
2022 - High-Impact Practices: Designing and Improving for Elements of Quality
2021 - Session 1: Employing Culturally Affirming and Equity-Minded Teaching and Learning
Practices Advance Institutional Equity
Session 2: Advancing Racial Equity and Justice on Campus: Aligning Culture and Strategy
2020 - The Revolution Will Be Backward Designed
2019 - Teaching at the Crossroads: Academic Literacy and Culturally Responsive Instruction
2018 - Enhancing Student Motivation and Learning in Diverse Classrooms
2017 - Culturally Responsive Teaching
2016 - Backward Design
2015 - Flipping Your Classroom with Team-Based Learning
2014 - Curriculum Mapping: Assessment Principles for Improved Teaching and Learning
2013 - Making Learning Visible: The Play's the Thing
2012 - How Do You SoTL: An Editor's Perspective on Going Public with SoTL
2011 - SoTL Workshop (snowed out)
2010 - Overcoming Apathy in the Classroom
2009 - The Seminar: Teaching and Documentation
2008 - Decoding the Disciplines
2007 - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
2006 - Problem-Based Learning and Critical Thinking
2005 - Working with Multilingual Learners Across the Curriculum