Faculty Mentoring Seminars
The Faculty Mentoring Fellowships are designed to create community and support faculty members as they move through the advancement processes associated with certificate of continuous employment (CCE), promotion, and tenure. Faculty facilitators will meet throughout the academic year with each cohort to demystify processes, share resources, and develop professional and teaching materials. Cohorts are limited to approximately six faculty members per fellowship, and faculty participants will receive a $700 stipend for their participation.
The three faculty mentoring fellowships for AY2024-2025 are:
- Faculty Fellowship on Tenure (for tenure-track faculty applying for tenure and promotion in their seventh year). Facilitated by Professor Tamara Bellomo (Nursing) and Professor Alison Better (Behavioral Sciences)
- Faculty Fellowship on Promotion (for tenure-track faculty applying for “early” promotion to Associate Professor and tenured faculty applying for post-tenure promotion to associate or full professor). Facilitated by Professor Shawna Brandle (History, Philosophy, and Political Science) and Professor Cheryl Smith (English).
- Lecturer Community Fellowship (for lecturers in years 2-5 preparing for CCE review during year 5). Facilitated by Professor Delia Hernandez (Behavioral Sciences) and an additional facilitator to be determined.
Interested faculty members are asked to complete this application form.