For Faculty Development Group (FDG) Facilitators
Responsibilities of KCTL and Faculty Development Group (FDG) Facilitators of KCTL
In addition to the Winter Workshop and KCTL’s teaching & learning workshop series, KCTL also hosts an average of seven Faculty Development Groups (FDGs) each semester. Ryan McKinney, Director of KCTL, and Evan Caccioppoli, KCTL Assistant, work with faculty and staff, who serve as facilitators, to develop, support, coordinate, and promote these FDGs. As part of this work, KCTL:
- Maintains the KCTL webpages with descriptions of each FDG and its facilitator.
- Sends out flyers to promote each FDG which contain links to doodle polls so that those interested in participating can indicate their availability and then the FDG facilitators can schedule accordingly. (Sample FDG Flyer.jpg)
- Emails the weekly newsletter to the campus community to promote participation in upcoming FDGs and workshops (KCTL Newsletter Sample.pdf).
- Provides a meeting place and copies necessary materials when meeting on campus.
- Creates post-semester surveys so that KCTL and facilitators can set goals and assess impact.
- Maintains records regarding the number of participants across FDGs to determine faculty engagement and KCTL's overall reach.
- Offer support to all FDGs, workshops, and facilitators to help ensure success.
As an FDG facilitator, we ask that all facilitators attend a Facilitators Meetings, held toward the beginning of each semester.
As an FDG facilitator, faculty members are asked to complete the responsibilities
listed below.
Prior to the first FDG meeting, please...
- Work with the Director of KCTL to create or update the respective FDG webpage with text and a digital photo of the facilitator(s). (Sample FDG webpage).
- Work with KCTL to create or update a flyer (Sample FDG Flyer.jpg) to promote the FDG.
- Design and prepare a minimum of five meetings for the semester, with at least 1-2 meeting being conducted in-person. Please have all meeting dates confirmed and submitted to the KCTL Assistant by the third week of the semester.
- Contact the KCTL Assistant to schedule in-person meetings in the KCTL conference room
(M391D). The conference room has everything needed to host FDG meetings: video conferencing,
smartboard, Hyflex technology, etc.
Note: If you need an alternate on-campus space for your meetings, please contact KCTL. - Virtual meetings can be delivered via Zoom. Please make sure to email the Zoom meeting link to the KCTL Assistant.
- Create a Doodle or Google poll with a range of potential meeting times and send the corresponding
link to the KCTL Assistant. This information will be included in the FDG flyer when
emailed to all faculty and staff during the first two weeks of classes.
Note: Please consult the academic calendar to see holidays and campus closure dates. - Once scheduling emails have been sent, please check responses to the doodle poll (remembering to not wait too long or responders' availability might change) and please send the confirmed meeting dates to the KCTL Assistant, who will put the meetings on the KCTL meetings calendar. Please check the KCTL Meeting Calendar to see if other FDGs are scheduled at the same time. In order to avoid schedule crowding, KCTL will only schedule two FDGs for the same date.
- Create a group email for those who responded to your poll. Facilitators can then add additional people who come to the meetings in order to keep in touch with a core group of attendees.
When facilitating each FDG meeting, please...
- If on campus, manage FDG Sign in Sheets (please make sure everyone signs and please give to the KCTL Assistant). If the meeting
is virtual, for each meeting, please send the KCTL Assistant an email with the names
of participants, their departments, and roles (e.g., full or part-time faculty or
Note: KCTL only needs information for current KCC faculty and staff. - Let KCTL know if there is a particular description for a session, or a link/page numbers for a reading, that should be included in the KCTL weekly newsletter email (KCTL Newsletter Sample.pdf). Please send this by the Tuesday the week BEFORE the FDG will be meeting (e.g. Meeting on Wednesday, October 16, email by Tuesday, October 8) These emails are created on Wednesday and sent out on Thursday for FDGs running the following week.
- Facilitate meetings in a way that ensures that everyone is in a safe space to share.
- Facilitate meetings in a way that keeps the focus on identifying solutions to any challenges of teaching and learning at KCC. It is fine for participants to vent about challenges, if relevant, but ultimately, we want to look for ways to problem-solve.
- After each session, please fill out the KCTL FDG Meeting Report within 48 hours of the meeting. This information is an important element of the KCTL data collection.. ( KCTL Faculty Interest Group (FIG) Meeting Report: Fall 2024)
- After each semester, please share the Post-Semester Survey with all participants (this will be emailed to everyone by the KCTL Assistant).
- If on campus, manage FDG Sign in Sheets (please make sure everyone signs and please give to the KCTL Assistant). If the meeting
is virtual, for each meeting, please send the KCTL Assistant an email with the names
of participants, their departments, and roles (e.g., full or part-time faculty or
Interested in becoming a KCTL Facilitator?
KCTL runs a limited number of Faculty Development Groups (FDGs) each semester. Towards
the end of spring semester, a call will be sent out to all faculty for new and returning
FDGs. Applications will be evaluated by the KCTL Director and the KCTL Advisory Board.
Please also note that faculty may only facilitate an FDG with the approval of their
If you have any questions, please contact Professor Ryan McKinney, Director of KCTL, at or ext. 4809, or the main KCTL office at (ext. 5252).