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Application Process

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Application Process

Can I join the program?

You are eligible for the College Discovery Program if you:

  1. Are entering college for the first time as an incoming freshman for the Fall semester
  2. Have been a New York City resident for at least a year before entering college
  3. Are a high school graduate or have a GED
  4. Are academically qualified
  5. Have a gross family income that meets the New York State guidelines (see chart).
    Are a transfer student who was enrolled in a similar program (HEOP, EOP, SEEK, CD) at your previous school.

College Discovery Program
Economic Eligibility Guidelines

Academic Year 2025 - 2026

Household Size
(Including Head of Household)

Total Annual Income*

















*For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $9,953 for each additional person.


Steps to Apply

  1. Complete the Special Programs (SEEK and College Discovery) section of the CUNY Freshman Admission Application on-line at
  2. Complete the Financial Aid Student Application (FAFSA):
  3. Complete the TAP Award Application here: TAP Application page
  4. You MUST attend an Enrollment Information Session to complete your application to the College Discovery Program. Click here or call 718-368-5520 to schedule an appointment.
  5. At the information session you will:
    1. Complete a College Discovery Program application form;
    2. Provide documentation of financial circumstances.
  6. When you attend your enrollment information session bring the following documents (whichever apply to the family) to be determined financially eligible:
    • Student U.S Passport or Birth Certificate
    • Student Alien Registration Card if born outside the U.S
    • Student Social Security Card
    • 2021 Parents Federal Tax Returns
    • 2021 Student Federal Tax Returns if applies
    • Parents and/or student 2021 W-2 Forms
    • Parent 2021 Social Security Benefits Letter if applicable
    • Parent 2021 Public Assistance Benefits Letter if applicable

      If none of the above
    • Show proof of Income that supported the family in 2021.

Students transferring from HEOP, EOP, or SEEK must deliver or fax a Special Programs Transfer request form to the College Discovery Office in L-516, fax number: (718)368-5997.

Please watch our
College Discovery
Power Point Presentation:

College Discovery