KCC Ovations
KCC President Claudia Schrader Honored By AAC&U And Cengage For Advancing Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion

Kingsborough Community College’s (KCC) president, Dr. Claudia V. Schrader, is one of three recipients of the 2022 AAC&U-Cengage Inclusion Scholarship. Awarded by the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) and education technology company Cengage, the scholarship is awarded to currently serving campus presidents in recognition of their outstanding leadership to advance equitable liberal education.
This year’s recipients are all New Yorkers: Dr. Miguel Martinez-Saenz of Brooklyn’s St. Francis College and Dr. David R. Harris of Union College in Schenectady round out the trio.
“AAC&U is proud to recognize and support these exceptional leaders in their efforts to advance equity and quality as hallmarks of a liberal education across a diverse range of campuses and student populations,” said AAC&U President Lynn Pasquerella.
In acknowledgment of AAC&U and Cengage’s shared commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, the Inclusion Scholarship recognizes presidential leaders whose efforts have reduced equity gaps, improved inclusion and belonging for minoritized students, and/or promoted diversity in hiring practices.
Since joining KCC in the fall of 2018, Schrader has facilitated opportunities for faculty and staff at all levels to work together to identify key areas where the College can make and implement equitable change. In addition to securing funding, championing, and promoting these ongoing efforts, she has been an integral participant in the dialogues.
In response to students reporting they did not feel like they were listened to or acknowledged, she launched the “Welcome Wagon,” personally visiting incoming students in areas of New York City that were most neglected, to let them know they were wanted, heard, and a part of the KCC community – many times with guests like elected officials or the CUNY chancellor in tow.
“Part of our mission at Cengage is to enable opportunity and power progress, and these leaders are excellent examples of doing that and making a positive impact on students and society,” said Kevin Carlsten, senior vice president of the US Higher Education Institutional Group at Cengage.
The recipients will receive a one-year, complimentary AAC&U campus membership and a one-year complimentary membership to AAC&U’s Presidents’ Trust, a network of chief executive officers who are committed to advancing the vision, values, and practices that connect liberal education with the needs of an increasingly diverse student body, a global workforce, and thriving communities.
“I cherish this opportunity to join such a diverse community of like-minded education leaders,” said Schrader. “This is further acknowledgement of the College’s commitment to advancing equity, diversity, and quality education.”