Central Program Contacts
(2017 - 2018)
The Program Coordinator for KCC Reads is responsible for managing or arranging support
for all its pieces events, the book selection process, as well as providing support
to classes in their work on the book. She also convenes the KCC Reads Cohort, the group that governs the program. Please contact the coordinator with any questions,
issues, ideas or suggestions relevant to the KCC Reads program.
ext. 4672

As Library Liaison for KCC Reads, Wendy helps faculty and students locate relevant
resources in the Kingsborough Library and other libraries. In general, she supports
the current year's book selection and the KCC Reads Program by putting together a
comprehensive bibliography on the annual book, conducting workshops, and serving as
a point person in the library for students and faculty conducting research on the
book. Please contact Wendy if you have questions or need help.
In the Winter Reading Group, members of our faculty, staff and student body read and
discuss the four books on the short list for consideration as next year's text. This
group makes recommendations to the full cohort based on their in-depth knowledge of
the books. Any member of our community is welcome to participate. Contact ?? with
questions regarding this program or if you would like to participate.
ext. 5718

Madeline works with students each semester in producing artwork created in connection
with the KCC Reads book. Their illustrations become part of the media supporting the
program, are included in the student journal, and, our annual conference features
a student art exhibit showcasing the work of KCC students from various art classes.
Please contact Madeline if you would like your students' work to be part of the art
exhibit and other programs.
ext. 5541

Paul works with students each semester in creating and producing dramatic and other
performance work in connection with the KCC Reads book. This work is presented as
part of the annual conference and published in the journal Paideia. Paul also works
with students in the research and creation of dramaturgical & historical exhibitions on
plays produced by the Theatre Arts Program and selected in collaboration with KCC
Reads. Please contact Paul if you would like to involve your students in the theatre
arts work happening in conjunction with KCC Reads.
D.L. Anderson
ext. 4836

As Video and Multimedia Liaison for KCC Reads, DL works with her students on video,
film and multimedia projects in connection with our roundtables events, with the annual
conference, and other events throughout the year. She is always open to collaborating
with other faculty or staff on such projects. Creative multimedia projects are an
excellent way to engage and interest students in the KCC Reads book and inspire critical
thinking and analysis, and for students to document and demonstrate learning outcomes.
Please contact DL if you have questions, need help op or have an idea for a multimedia
(2016 - 2017)
KCC Reads Program Assistants work with the program coordinator to support and advance
KCC Reads activities and initiatives. They attend cohort meetings and meetings of
sub-committees and take minutes; they work with program liaisons and cohort members
in the planning, organizing and running of events; they help create and distribute
promotional materials and help with photocopying; they coordinate (by email, phone
or in-person) program details with appropriate staff, faculty and students; and help
run events "the day of." The program and our school at large are most thankful to them
for their time and excellent work all year!
The photographer photographs our annual conference in May, and other events, many
of which are published in the KCC Reads student journal, Paideia. The program and
our school at large are most thankful to ?? for his time and excellent photographic work
all year -- especially the tireless effort in photographing every session and all
parts of our annual student conference and keynote talk!
Former photographer, honors graduate Dimitri Foster, took all of the photographs of
the Bruno Lucchesi statue, Reading the Paper (1978) located in the first floor hallway
of the "M" Building. His photos are scattered throughout our website and featured
in various program media, such as the logo at the top of this webpage. The program
thanks Dimitri for all his good work! (Note: All photographs of the Lucchesi statue, here and in any KCC Reads media, are the
copyright of Dimitri Foster.)
This individual is responsible for all graphics and other media supporting KCC Reads.
She creates new graphics for the book as well as the logos and graphics representing
the program that are scattered across the website. She also creates all media for
our events: flyers; the book poster; the conference program; the bookmarks, etc. as
well as designing our journal, Paideia. The program and our campus community thank
?? for all her hard work and all the excellent materials!
They manage details regarding the set-up of program events through the year, contribute
helpfully at administrative and program meetings, take personal ownership for events
or parts thereof, and are constant advisors to the program coordinator. ??'s work
is very much appreciated across campus and, most especially, with regard to the administration
of KCC Reads.
We are grateful to the many students, faculty and staff who have helped develop teaching
materials and volunteered the support without which our common reading program would
not be sustainable. A very special acknowledgement is due all those members of our
campus who've made KCC Reads the program it has become, through tireless devotion
over a decade: former program coordinator, Lea Fridman, and long-time supporters of
KCC Reads: Xiaoting Wu, Linda Pierce, Aparajita De, JoAnne Meyers, Enid Stubin, as
well as the many members of our community who've run programs or helped with pieces
of the program, contributing time, creativity, energy and labor to its life Matthew
Gartner, Janice Farley, Mandy Fraley, Linda Holman, Matthew Gregory, Julie Torrant,
Catherine Granton, Renee Mizrahi, Tom Lavazzi, Michael Rosson, Gabrielle Kahn, Lillian
Rosenberg and Dimitri Foster, among many others. Please take a moment and check out
the current cohort supporting us, comprised of faculty, staff and (now) students.
Finally, we would like to pay homage to our KCC Reads mascot, the Bruno Lucchesi sculpture
located on the first floor of the M Building, Reading the Paper (1978). We have adopted this beautiful sculpture of a woman reading because she symbolizes
the reading culture so important to a program like KCC Reads; because she embodies
the joy of reading; and, because she is Kingsborough's very own art piece. (On the
sculptor's website, our statue is called simply "Reading": http://www.brunolucchesi.com/BRUNO_LUCCHESI/Sculptures/lifesize.html )