Operations Continuity
Distance Learning
Last updated March 21, 2020 7:11 pm
Thursday, March 21, 2020 at 7:00 PM
Dear Campus Community,
In my last email to you, I indicated that things were changing by the hour; and indeed they did. By now, you should have all received communication from Chancellor Matos Rodriguez regarding the University's compliance with Governor Cuomo's NYS PAUSE Executive Order. Effective Monday, March 23, the College will suspend all on-campus instruction and the majority of on-campus business operations and student support services. We were well position to make this shift to remote operations as we were continually reviewing functions and areas that could operate remotely and ensuring they had the appropriate tools to do so. The complete list of KCC offices that are operating remotely during this period, as well offices that will remain in operation on a staggered schedule, can be found here: https://www.kbcc.cuny.edu/distancelearning/studentserviceshours.html
Please note that except for limited times when loaner equipment will be available for distribution, computer labs will also be closed.
During the PAUSE, access to the campus will be closed. If you wish to gain access for a specific time-bound purpose, you must request approval from the Vice President of your Division. If approved, Public Safety will be notified.
It is imperative that we do our part in reducing the spread of the COVID-19 by staying home and taking the required precautionary measures.
- If you feel sick, or think that you may have been in contact with someone who is sick, or someone who is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, stay home and contact your doctor, your immediate supervisor or Dr. Sutton-Young (Tasheka.Sutton-Young@kbcc.cuny.edu) as we will continue to maintain the protocol on reported illness I shared with you yesterday.
- Continue to exercise safety precautions (wash your hands; avoid touching your face; cover coughs and sneezes with tissue and dispose of tissue; and practice social distancing ).
Colleagues, this past month has been filled with twists and turns. Thank you for confronting each challenge and responding to necessary changes with the steadfast commitment to our students and an unwavering dedication to the College that has defined Kingsborough for over 50 years. I am deeply grateful for all that you have done to preserve the academic and operational continuity of the College
Over the next two weeks, I will be working with the Senior Staff to develop a plan to get back to the business of the College with regards to governance, strategic planning, and preparation for Middle States in 2025.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me should you have any questions or concerns.
Many thanks,
President Schrader