KCC's ATD Equity Wheel
As we build on our achievements within ATD, KCC has adapted ATD's capacity-building framework to focus our current and future strategic planning around equity as a core value and a continuing challenge.
The image above represents KCC's adapted framework. Equity is the focal point that guides our new student success initiatives, faculty development opportunities, strategic decision-making, college wide conversations, and institutional assessment priorities. This model also promotes intentional resource allocation to support these initiatives.
Kingsborough's ATD Equity Wheel represents our commitment to deep institutional change that unites the campus under one common goal. In 2015, KBCC's College Council enshrined this commitment by adopting a campus Diversity Statement declaring our shared belief that "a focus on inclusive excellence the proactive fostering of greater diversity, inclusion, and ultimately equity at every level of college life will maximize success for all members of the college community". Like ATD's Equity Statement, KCC's Diversity Statement carefully distinguishes between diversity, inclusion and equity, noting in particular that equity requires "active removal or mitigation of hindrances to full access to opportunities, resources and support for all members of a community."