Presidential Grants Fellows Program
Kingsborough Community College has as a priority encouraging faculty research and student support program development through grant funding. To meet this goal, the college is launching a new program designed to encourage the submission of competitive grant proposals in all academic and student support departments. The Presidential Grant Fellows Program will provide training, one-on-one guidance, and monetary support (up to $5,000) to selected faculty and staff members. Applicants must submit the following information:
- A cover letter (one page) from the applicant stating their intent to apply for the Presidential Grant Fellows Program. Cover letters must include the amount requested, the applicant's name, rank or title, department, email address, and telephone extension. The body of the letter should briefly summarize the project for which funding is being sought.
- A project description (up to three pages) about the project for which funding is being sought. For research, include the research question and how the intended research will impact the field. For program grants, include program goals, target population, and how the program will benefit students.
- A statement of experience (one page) describing the applicants efforts to secure grant funding, whether for the proposed project or another project, including roadblocks. This section may also include efforts to secure funding for non-KCC programs.
- An itemized budget (one page) for up to $5,000. Requests for release time must be approved by department chairs.
- Letter from Chair, Dean, or Program Director (one page). In addition to the nominee's name, department or program, and title, the letter must address why the nominee should be selected for participation and a commitment to support the nominee's grantwriting efforts.
The deadline for applications for the program is April 20, 2015. Applications must be sent to the Office of College Advancement D, room M243. Applicants will be informed of their application's status by May 26, 2015.
Selected recipients will receive intensive training through attendance at a series of grantwriting workshops, work one-on-one with College Advancement staff to develop a proposal, and submit a proposal to at least one qualified funder. Fellows will learn how to identify potential funders and the resources available to assist that search; how to evaluate funder fit; how to develop a proposal narrative and budget; and the ins and outs of grant administration at KCC. Grant applications must be for non-CUNY sources and request at least $25,000. Submitting a grant proposal is a required component of this program. Fellows will not receive their final fellowship payment until this requirement is met.
If you are interested in submitting an application for this program or have questions about it, please contact Mabel Chee, Director of Development, at x5673 or by email at