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Physics, A.S.

The Physics AS degree is designed to provide students the foundation in physics and related physical sciences and mathematics courses in preparation for transfer to baccalaureate programs. Courses focus on understanding fundamental laws, theories, and ideas of physics and their application to analyze problems, understanding underlying technological developments, scientific discovery, matters of public policy and concern in relation to physics and related physical sciences, and support quantitative reasoning, scientific writing, and research.

Please see the College Catalog  for the year you started the major as a matriculant for the curriculum requirements that apply to you.

0 Credit(s) 2 Equated Credit(s) Hours: 2 hrs.

Topics covered include: measurements mathematical background, vectors, motion in a straight line, motion in a plane, forces, work, energy, power, momentum, impulse and angular motion in a plane.

Developmental Course

Prerequisite(s): MAT 900

4 Credit(s) Hours: 6 hrs.

First term of non-calculus two-semester lecture and laboratory course in classical and modern physics. Includes study of mechanics, heat, hydrostatics and hydrodynamics, harmonic motion and waves. Physical principles are demonstrated and students receive hands-on laboratory experience.

Recommended for students in liberal arts, pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy, pre-optometry and allied health.

Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): MAT 1400; or PHY 1100 Skills Support, or Department Permission. Contact Department of Physical Sciences for PHY 1100 Skills Support information.

4 Credit(s) Hours: 6 hrs.

Second term of General Physics. Includes sound, electricity, magnetism and optics. Laboratory sessions included.

Prerequisite(s): PHY 1100 or Department Permission

4 Credit(s) Hours: 6 hrs.

First term of calculus two-semester lecture and laboratory course in classical and modern physics. Includes the study of mechanics, heat, hydrostatics and hydrodynamics, harmonic motion and waves. Physical principles demonstrated and hands-on laboratory experience.

Recommended for science, engineering, pre-medical and allied health students who desire a more comprehensive treatment than given in PHY 1100.

Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): MAT 1500 , or PHY 1300 Skills Support, or Department Permission. Contact Department of Physical Sciences for PHY 1300 Skills Support information.

Required Core: Life and Physical Sciences

Flexible Core: Scientific World (Group E)

4 Credit(s) Hours: 6 hrs.

Second term of PHY 1300. Topics include sound, electricity, magnetism and optics. Laboratory sessions included.

Prerequisite(s): PHY 1300

Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): MAT 1600, or PHY 1400 Skills Support, or Department Permission. Contact Department of Physical Sciences for PHY 1400 Skills Support information.

Required Core: Life and Physical Sciences

Flexible Core: Scientific World (Group E)

3 Credit(s) Hours: 3 hrs.

The origin, ideas and scientific developments of modern physics including a brief description of Classical Physics, the Theory of Special and General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics.

Prerequisite(s): CUNY English and Math Proficient or Department Permission

1-3 Credit(s) Hours: 2-6 laboratory hrs.

Planning and carrying out a undergraduate research project under supervision of a faculty member including literature readings, laboratory work, conferences with faculty member, and presentation of research results

Prerequisite(s): Department permission

1-3 Credit(s) Hours: 2-6 laboratory hrs.

Planning and carrying out a undergraduate research project under supervision of a faculty member including literature readings, laboratory work, conferences with faculty member, and presentation of research results

Prerequisite(s): Department permission

1-3 Credit(s) Hours: 2-6 laboratory hrs.

Planning and carrying out a undergraduate research project under supervision of a faculty member including literature readings, laboratory work, conferences with faculty member, and presentation of research results

Prerequisite(s): Department permission

1-3 Credit(s) Hours: 2-6 laboratory hrs.

Planning and carrying out a undergraduate research project under supervision of a faculty member including literature readings, laboratory work, conferences with faculty member, and presentation of research results

Prerequisite(s): Department permission

Degree Maps

College Algebra Placement



Session A
Session A
Course Crs Course Crs
ENG1200 3 ENG2400 3
CHM100* 0 CHM1200 4
CHM1100 4 Additional Math 2: MAT1000 3
MAT9010 or  MAT9B0 or MAT900 (need a minimum grade of C) 3 PHY1300 4
Session B
Session B
Course Crs Course Crs
Additional Math 1: MAT1400 (need a minimum grade of C) 3 Choose 1: Flexible Core U.S. Experiences in Its Diversity 3
Semester Credits: 13 Semester Credits: 17



Session A
Session A
Course Crs Course Crs
PHY1400 4 EGR2200 3
EGR2300 3 Science & Math Elective: CHM, CS, EGR, EPS, MAT, PHY, or SCI 3
Choose 1: Flexible Core Individual and Society 3 Science & Math Elective: CHM, CS, EGR, EPS, MAT, PHY, or SCI 4
Choose 1: Flexible Core World Cultures and Global Issues 3 Choose 1: Flexible Core Creative Expression 3
Session B
Session B
Course Crs Course Crs
EPS3100, 3200, 3300, 3500, or 3600 4 None  
Semester Credits: 17 Semester Credits: 13

Calculus Placement



Session A
Session A
Course Crs Course Crs
ENG1200 3 ENG2400 3
CHM100* 0 CHM1200 4
CHM1100 4 Additional Math 1: MAT1600 (need a minimum grade of C) 3
MAT1500 (need a minimum grade of C) 3 PHY1300 4
Choose 1: Flexible Core Individual and Society 3    
Session B
Session B
Course Crs Course Crs
Choose 1: Flexible Core U.S. Experiences in Its Diversity 3 None  
Semester Credits: 16 Semester Credits: 14



Session A
Session A
Course Crs Course Crs
PHY1400 4 EGR2200 3
EGR2300 3 Science & Math Elective: CHM, CS, EGR, EPS, MAT, PHY, or SCI 3
Additional Math 2: MAT2100 (Recommended), MAT5500 or MAT5600, or CS1200 3 Science & Math Elective: CHM, CS, EGR, EPS, MAT, PHY, or SCI 4
Choose 1: Flexible Core World Cultures and Global Issues 3 Choose 1: Flexible Core Creative Expression 3
Session B
Session B
Course Crs Course Crs
EPS3100, 3200, 3300, 3500, or 3600 4 None  
Semester Credits: 17 Semester Credits: 13

Important Notes:

  • *CHM100 – Based on the Chemistry Self-Assessment Test, students may test directly into CHM1100 and not be required to take CHM100. Chemistry Self-Assessment Test can be accessed through the Department of Physical Sciences website.
  • The term-by-term course sequence takes into account necessary Prerequisistes, Corequisites, and Pre-/Co-requisites.
  • Select ONE (1) WRITING INTENSIVE course & ONE (1) CIVIC ENGAGEMENT course. Some courses meet BOTH requirements, see CUNYFirst to determine course status