Web Enhanced Courses
Department of Biological Sciences
Supplemental Resources
Science 1 (College Now Science, taught in 20 local high schools for college credit)
Videos: Biology Department
Diluting Cultures - http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/168/
Focusing a compound microscope - http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/169/
Heat fixing culture to slide - http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/170/
Negative Staining - http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/171/
Parts of the Micropipette - http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/172/
Performing a Gram Stain - http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/173/
Pipetting - http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/174/
Pouring an Agarose Gel - http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/175/
Preparation for Pouring an Agarose Gel - http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/176/
Preparing an Agarose Gel - http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/177/
Running an Agarose Gel - http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/178/
Staining and Imaging an Agarose Gel - http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/179/
Transferring a Bacterial Cultural to an Agar Slant - http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/180/
Use of Micropipette - http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/181/
Using the Oil-Immersion Lens on a Compound Microscope - http://kbvideo.kingsborough.edu/embed/182/