
Shoshana Friedman
Assc Professor
Mathematics & Computer Science
- (718) 368-6824
- F-302, F Cluster
Dr. Shoshana Friedman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics &
Computer Science at CUNY Kingsborough since 2009. She teaches a variety of courses
ranging from Pre-Algebra to Calculus III. Her particular emphasis is Elementary Algebra
and Precalculus. She has also introduced an introductory level Set Theory course that
is geared to mathematics majors.
CUNY Graduate Center, PhD, Mathematics, 2009
CUNY Brooklyn College, BS, Chemistry/Mathematics, 2001
College Teaching
CUNY Kingsborough, Mathematics & Computer Science, 2009-present
Yeshiva University Stern College for Women, Mathematics, adjunct lecturer, 2008
CUNY Medgar Evers, Mathematics, Graduate Teaching Fellow, 2004-2007
Selected Publications and/or Other Resources
HOD-Supercompactness, Indestructibility and Level by Level Equivalence, coauthored with Arthur Apter, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences; 62(3), 2014, 197-209
Accessing the Switchboard Via Set Forcing, Mathematical Logic Quarterly. 58 (4–5), 2012, 303-306
Coding Into HOD via Normal Measures With Some Applications, coauthored with Arthur
Apter, Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 57(1), 2011, 1-7
Events and/or Key Dates
Co-Chair, local organizing committee, Association of Symbolic Logic 2019 North American
meeting at the CUNY Graduate Center, May 20-23, 2019
Co-Organizer, Fifth New York Graduate Student Logic Conference at the CUNY Graduate
Center, May 12-13, 2016
Co-Organizer, Mid-Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar meeting in honor of the 60th birthdays
of Arthur Apter and Moti Gitik at Carnegie Mellon University, May 30-31, 2015
Co-Organizer, Fourth New York Graduate Student Logic Conference at the CUNY Graduate
Center, April 18-19, 2013
Co-Organizer, Third New York Graduate Student Logic Conference at the CUNY Graduate
Center, May 7-8, 2010
Research Interests
Set theory; forcing and large cardinals. Particularly as they relate to the universe of ordinal definable sets.
Large cardinal axioms posit the existence of infinities so large that they cannot
be proven to exist from standard assumptions about mathematics. By working in models
of the mathematical universe where we assume them to exist, we can draw additional
conclusions that we would not have been able to see otherwise.
Institutional Affiliations / Professional Societies
Association of Symbolic Logic
American Mathematical Society