
Rachel Ihara was raised in Northern California and moved to New York in 2000. After
completing her PhD in English at the Graduate Center of the City University, Rachel
joined Kingsborough’s English Department as Assistant Professor. She currently teaches
both courses in the Freshman Composition sequence and helps to direct the Freshman
English Program.
English 91, Developing Fluency Reading/Writing
English 92, Developing Competence in Reading/Writing
English 12, Freshman Composition I
English 24, Freshman Composition II
English 30, Introduction to Literature
English 40, Introduction to Short Fiction
The Graduate Center, CUNY
Ph.D. in English
M.Phil in English
M.A. in English (en route M.A. awarded by Queens College)
Certificate of American Studies
College Teaching
Queensborough Community College, CUNY
Lehman College, CUNY
College of Technology, CUNY
Selected Publications and/or Other Resources
“Student Perspectives on Self-Reflection: Insights and Implications.” Teaching English in the Two-Year College41.3 (2014): 223-238.
“ ‘Like Beads Strung Together’: E. D. E. N. Southworth and the Aesthetics of Popular Serial Fiction.” In Must Read: Rediscovering American Bestsellers. Eds. Thomas Ruys Smith and Sarah Churchwell. Continuum, 2012.
“ ‘The Stimulus of Books and Tales’: Pauline Hopkins’s Serial Novels for the Colored American Magazine.” In Transnationalism and American Serial Fiction. Ed. Patricia Okker. Routledge U P, 2011.
[with Jaime Cleland] “Ethnic Authorship and the Autobiographical Act: Zitkala-Ša, Sui Sin Far, and the Crafting of Authorial Identity.” In Selves in Dialog. Ed. Bego Simal. Rodopi Press, 2011.
“ ‘Rather Rude Jolts’: Henry James, Serial Publication, and the Art of Fiction.” Henry James Review 31 (2010): 188-206.
“Gentlemen Publishers and Lady Readers: Winnifred Eaton’s Negotiation with the Literary
Marketplace.” In Popular Nineteenth-Century American Women Writers. Eds. Earl Yarington
and Mary DeJong. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2007.
Research Interests
Literacy and pedagogy, writing program administration, serial fiction
Awards Recognition, Distinctions and Grants
Recipient of several PSC CUNY Grants
Recipient of two Presidential Faculty Innovation Awards
Recipient of the Alfred Kazin Prize for Best Dissertation in American Literature and
Culture, 2007-2008
Institutional Affiliations / Professional Societies
Member of the Modern Language Association
Member of the National Council of Teachers of English