
Keisha Thompson
Behavioral Sciences
- (718) 368-5160
- D-114, D Cluster
Dr. Keisha V. Thompson is Professor of Psychology at Kingsborough Community College, City University of New York. She is also the co-creator and co-director of the Historically Underrepresented Faculty & Staff Resource Center at Kingsborough. Dr. Thompson holds her doctorate in Counseling Psychology from Texas A&M University. A Native of Trinidad & Tobago, Dr. Thompson grew up in Brooklyn, NY. She completed her bachelor’s degree in Business Communication at Baruch College, CUNY, and her master’s degree in School Counseling at Hunter College, CUNY.
Her clinical experience includes college counseling, community mental health, the federal prison system, VA medical center, and various K-12 school settings. Her professional interests include diversity issues in higher education, themes of psychosocial development and mental health in Black youth and women. Being a first generation immigrant and college graduate, Dr. Thompson’s work addresses issues of cultural diversity. As such fostering diversity is the focus of her scholarship, teaching, and service to her community. In the classroom she operates from a socio-political framework which allows her to address issues of culture, health, and social justice as they relate to individuals and institutions. Dr. Thompson’s research agenda is centered around Blackness in the African diaspora.
Dr. Thompson enjoys spending time in the classroom and community empowering individuals through expanding their knowledge base and encouraging them to be change agents in society. To this end she founded the #goalsbrunch series, the Misadventures of An Inspired Woman Podcast, and recently completed production on her first documentary film There All Along: The Women of Trinidad & Tobago 1970 Black Power.
Introduction to Psychology (General and Writing Intensive)
Texas A&M University College
Station, TX
Ph.D. degree: August 2011
Counseling Psychology
Hunter College, City University of New York New York, NY
M.S.Ed. degree: May 2007
School Counseling
Baruch College, City University of New York New York, NY
B.A. degree: May 2002
Business Communications
College Teaching
Kingsborough Community College (2013-present)
University of Rio Grande (Spring 2013)
Florida International University (Spring & Summer 2012)
University of Akron (Spring 2011)
Texas A&M University (Spring 2009 & 2010)
Selected Publications and/or Other Resources
Louis, D.A., Thompson, K.V., Louis, B., Stanley, C. (2020). Reflections, relationships, and immigrant contributions: Narratives of Afro-Caribbean faculty members in American higher education. Caribbean Educational Research Journal, 5 (1), 110-130.
Thompson, K.V. (2019). Always Remember Black is Beautiful. In M. K. Clark, P. Mnyandu, & L. L. Azalia, Pan African Spaces: Essays on Black Transnationalism (pp. 223-228). Maryland: Lexington Books.
Thompson, K. V., & Verdino, J. (2018). An Exploratory Study of Self-efficacy in Community College Students. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 1-4.
Louis, D.A., Thompson, K.V., Smith, P., Williams, H.M.A., Watson, J. (2017). Afro-Caribbean Immigrant Faculty Experiences in the Academy: Voices of an Invisible Black Population. The Urban Review, 49 (4), DOI: 10.1007/s11256-017-0414-0
Thompson, K.V. (2016). Validating a Measure of Ethnic Identity in Afro-Caribbean American Students. Journal of Mental Health and Disorders, 2 (3).
Thompson, K.V. (2016). On Race in Trinidad and Tobago. Psychohistory News, Newsletter of the International Psychohistorical Association, 35 (2).
Cano, M. A., Castillo, L. G., Davis, M. J., López-Arenas, A., Vaquero, J., Thompson, K., Saldivar, I. M. (2012). Dynamics of Acculturation, Enculturation, and Ethnic Identity: Influence of Psychocultural Constructs on Conscientiousness and Educational Expectations of Latino Students. . International Journal for the advancement of Counseling, 32 (3), 231-241 DOI: 10.1007/s10447-012-9153-9
Thompson, K. V., Lightfoot, N. L., Castillo, L. G., & Hurst, M. L. (2010). Influence of family’s perceptions of acting white on acculturative stress in African American college students. International Journal for the advancement of Counseling, 32 (2), 144-152, DOI: 10.1007/s10447-010-9095-z.
Professional Conferences
Thompson, K.V. (June 2019). Black Identity Development in 1970s Trinidad & Tobago. 44th Annual Caribbean Studies Association Conference. Santa Marta, Colombia.
Thompson, K.V. (November 2018). Nobody Told Us! Trinidad & Tobago 1970 Black Power Revolution. 2018
Caribbean Region Conference of Psychology. Kingston, Jamaica.
Thompson, K.V., Echols, K., Ulmer, T. Paler, L. (October 2017). Building an Informal Network of Support for Sisters in Academia. Conference Panel. 2017 Association of Black Women in Higher Education's National Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Thompson, K.V. (2017). Stony the Road We Trod…. Clinicians and Clients of Color Addressing and Coping with Racial Microaggressions and Racial Battle Fatigue. CEU Workshop presented at International Psychohistorial Association Annual Conference, New York, New York.
Thompson, K.V.. 2016. Revolution and Identity—Letters to the Editor, Trinidad 1970. Paper presented at International Psychohistorial Association Annual Conference, New York, New York.
Thompson, K., Castillo, L. (2011). Validating a Measure of Ethnic Identity in Caribbean College Students. Roundtable discussion at the Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychology, Nassau, Bahamas.
Thompson, K., Hurst, M. Castillo, L., Lightfoot, N. (2010). Influence of Family’s Perceptions of Acting White on Acculturative Stress in African American College Students. Poster for the Division 17 Student Poster Session at the American Psychological Association Conference, San Diego, California.
Turner, T., Fleary, S., Thompson, K., Fine, V. Blake, J., Dyer, A., Lease, A. (2009). The Psychological Adjustment of Relationally Aggressive Girls: Does Friendship Quality Matter? Poster at the American Psychological Association Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Thompson, K. & Brown, A.L. (2009). I’m Not the Average Girl from the Video: Developing Positive Body Image in Black Female Adolescents. 30th Annual Intercultural Communication Conference. Texas Southern University. Houston, Texas.
Thompson, K. (2009). Univariate and Bivariate Normality: A Look at Thompson's Bivariate Butter Bell. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association, San Antonio.
Ridley, C., Shaw-Ridley, M., Thompson, K. (2008). Cultural Confrontation with People of African Descent: Implications for Sexual Health Promotion (Symposium). 2008 SSSS Annual Meeting, The Cultural Dimensions of Sexuality. The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Thompson, K. & Brown, A.L (2007). “Hottentot Venus” Past, Present & Future: Sexual Exploitation, Body Image Distortion & Obesity in Black Adolescent Females. Poster Presentation, Black Graduate Conference in Psychology. Howard University. Washington, DC.
Research Interests
Trinidad & Tobago Black Power
Blackness in the Caribbean context
Caribbean American Identity and Psychosocial Outcomes
Psychosocial Development and Mental Health in Black Youth and Women
Application of Research in Community-Based Interventions
Institutional Affiliations / Professional Societies
American Psychological Association (2007-present)
Personal Interests
Live Music
Pop Culture