
Irina Danilova
Adj Assc Professor
- (718) 368-4635
- S-263, Arts and Sciences Center
Biography Irina Danilova is a visual, media and performance artist, curator, founder of Brural series and Executive Director of Project 59, Inc. Born and raised in Kharkov, Ukraine, she lived and worked in Moscow, now lives in Brooklyn, NY. Irina Danilova has an MFA from the School of Visual Arts, NYC (1996). |
Selected Publications and/or Other Resources 2018 The fight of Art for Life, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine 2018 Through Numerical Lenses, Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts, Kiev, Ukraine 2016 Where Topology Meets with Typology, presentation at Open Field Conference, Riga, Latvia 2016 University of Newcastle, Australia, "Conversations in Art Series" 2014 Art At The Outmost Limits Of Location Specificity, International conference, Parsons, NYC 2014 “Conceptual art of teaching Academic Drawing” Conversations Across Cultures, Remixing Art Education Symposium Teachers College, Columbia University 2014 “Fight of Art for Life” Department of Media and Communications Kharkiv State University 2013 “Citydrawings” PRO&CONTRA media art symposium, Manezh, Moscow 2013 Trip Around The Globe and Around the Rome, Studia RA Gallery, Rome, Italy 2011 Art and Life, Kingsborough College, Brooklyn, NY 2008-2010 Visiting artist, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY, Visiting Assistant Professor 2009 59 Seconds and beyond Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia 2008 University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA; 2008 University of Southern Maine Portland, ME, 2008 Lecture Series in the Visual Arts 2007 Ural State University Ekaterinburg, Russia; 2007 Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 2007 Alfred University, Alfred, NY 2006 Duke University, Durham, NC; 2006 School of Visual Arts Digital Arts Seminar, NYC 1999 Meyerhold Museum Penza, Russia 1999 Department of Art and Humanity Lehman College, NY, 1999 Bronx River Art Center Bronx, NY 1997 State and Private Art Schools in Santiago, Chile
CURATORIAL PROJECTS: 2015 ECONOMY OF FOOD, Bronx River Art Center, Bronx, NY 2015 BRURAL: Skin of Liberty, Fractured and re-Stractured with Vladimir Seleznev 2014 FLUXUS TIME (Revolutionary artists in revolutionary Ukraine) Municipal Art Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine 2014 BRURAL: Shattering Phenomena Superstorm Sandy, Chelyabinsk Meteorite with Svetlana Shlyapnikova, Bronx River Art Center, Bronx, NY 2013 Fluxus Time: 1959...69...79… Art Gallery at KBCC, CUNY, Brooklyn, NY 2013 BRURAL: Peripheral Vision, with Daria Kostina, the Active Space Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 2012 BRURAL: Art/&/of/?/vs/or/Design, SET Gallery, Brooklyn, NY with Agata Iordan 2011 THE INTERVIEW, SET gallery, Brooklyn, NY 2005-2008 59 SECONDS VIDEO FESTIVAL 2003 MULTIPLES Art Gallery at KBCC CUNY, Brooklyn, NY 2000 E-EUROPE, Bronx River Art Center, Bronx, NY 2000 BULGARIA, NY, Elizabeth Foundation Gallery, NYC
Catalogues: URAL INDUSTRIAL BIENNIAL OF CONTEMPORARY ART PARALLEL PROGRAM 2015,p.p. 38 - 43 ANTICIPATION group exhibition catalogue, Venice, Italy, 2014 Sergey Kuryokhin Modern Art Award catalogue. Nomination «Best Curatorial Project», 2014 DE.FRAGMENTACIJA/DE>FRAGMENTATION Pixxelpoint catalogue, Nova Goricia, 2013pp. 40-41 CONVERSATIONS ACROSS CULTURES, Art Education Symposium, p. 9, 2014 MANIFESTO BRUT, Caserta, Italy, 2013, p. 15, CONTEMPORARY ART AS A HUMANIZZATION INSTRUMENT FOR PUBLIC SPACES, Ural University Press, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2012, CITY AS A PROCES, pp.102, 118. FIRST URAL INDUSTRIAL BIENNIALE OF CONTEMPORARY ART, Special Projects, 9.09-10.10.2010 Catalogue, 2010, pp. 166-167 Confirmed MEDIA FORUM, 30th Moscow Film Festival, 2008, p.28 +7(495)…RUSSIAN ARTISTS ABROAD, June 23-26, 2008 ONE MINUTE INTERNATIONAL, One Minute Film & Video Festival, Aarau, Switzerland, August 17-19, 2007, p. 94 CYBERARTS 2002, Prix Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria 2002, p. 224 IT’S THE REAL THING, Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, 1998 NINTH ANNUAL CLEVELAND PERFORMANCE ART FESTIVAL, Cleveland, OH, 1996 EXPERT TESTIMONY, New York, 1995 MONUMENTAL PROPAGANDA New York, 1994, p. 91 ART BELONGS TO THE PUBLIC Moscow, 1994, p. 19 FARB AND RAUM, Art from Russia, Germany, France, and Switzerland, Moscow, 1993 THE LOCAL TIME, Moscow, 1993, p.19 REGINA GALLERY 1990-1992 Moscow, 1993, pp. 15, 17, 18 WAYS OF CREATION, Sumy, Moscow, 1991 KUNST, EUROPA Deutscher Kunstvereine C.V. 1991
INFINITE INSTANCES: Studies and Images of Time, Mart Betty Publisher, 2011, p. 39 Rosa Liksom, GO MOSCOVA GO, Helsinki, 1988, pp. 28, 29
From Brooklyn to Russia’s Ural Region, Artists Cross Political and Geographic Borders by Peter Malone at ZAHLENSPIELEREIEN MIT DER 59 by Heinz Bohler, "Nurtenger Zeintug", 10.16.2015 59 REASONS TO SEE SET’s NEW SHOW, by Meredith Deliso, Park Slope Courier, Apr. 8-14, 2011 PRIMING FOR ALL THINGS 59, by Maryn Fluker, THE DAILY IOWAN, Thursday, September 11, 2008, p.4C SHORT SHOTS ARE SHARP ACTS, by Philippa Hawker, THE AGE, Melbourne, Australia, Thursday, December 28, 2006 59 SECONDS OF FAME, by Fleur Mason, Fremantle Gazette, Perth, Australia, January 11, 2007 FIFTY NINE REASONS TO SEE THIS SHOW, by Meredith Deliso The Brooklyn Paper, New York Post, Park Slope Courier April 6, 2011 SOVR. ISK. RUS, by Yevgeniy Fiks, Moscow Art Magazine, #48/49, 2003, p. 73 WORKING NOTES, by Martha Wilson, Art Journal, vol. #59, Summer 2000, p. 109 MOVING IMAGE magazine, Summer 2000, by Helen A. Harrison “In Islip, Experimentation and Installation,” The New York Times, August 29, 1999 MIR LIUDEI, by Inna Mart, June 30, 1999 POKAL FURDIE SIEGER IST VIRTUELL, by Simone Voigtlander Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, September 9, 1998 BRONX COUNCIL ON THE ARTS HONORS ITS OWN ARTISTS, by Dan Friedman, Bronx Times Reporter, August 27, 1998 INTRIGUING ART FROM HERE AND THERE, by Jerry Cullum, Atlanta Journal Constitution, August 15, 1996 FACTORY SECONDS, by Cathy Byrd, Creating Loafing, August 13, 1996 STRONG APPROACH IN SOHO, by Oleg Slkin, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, March 1996 OUR WOMEN IN AMERICA, by Irina Tatarinova, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, March 1996 EXPERT TESTIMONY, by Alexander Gertsman, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, June 13, 1995 RUSSIAN FAMILY ON DISPLAY IN GALLERY, by Wendy Ann Hoke, The Sun Press, August 13, 1996 LABOR AND DAYS AT THE EDGE OF OYKUMENA, by Michael Bode, Kommersant-Daily #19, October 7, 1993 ART AT THE BORDER, by Yuri Nechiporenko, Independent Newspaper, May 23, 1992, p. 12 APHRODITA EX OVUM, by Ludmila Khlebnikova, The Evening Club, March, 1992, p. 8 ART REVIEWS, by Veronica Bode, Gumanitary Fond, September 1992 CD THE FUTURE OF THE PRESENT, Franklin Furnace 1998-1999 season
Events and/or Key Dates EXHIBITIONS, SCREENINGS, AND PERFORMANCES SOLO 2017 QUI PRO QUO Parallel Program of the 4th Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art OkNo Gallery, Chelyabinsk, Russia 2016 Dinner 59#29, performance at Visions in a Nunnery. London, England 2016 Et Sim. Schlecker Gallery, Kiel, Germany 2016 Quadrennial Performance, The Lock Up Art Center, Newcastle, Australia 2015 Between 5 & 9, FKN Gallery, Nurtingen, Germany. 2015 Through the Numerical Lenses, Schauraum Gallery, Nurtingen, Germany 2015 Project 59, Municipal Gallery, Kharkov, Ukraine 2014 Odds and Ends, The Active Space Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 2013 Tracking Signals High and Low, The Active Space Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 2012 dARTboard Digital Art Space,, NYC 2013 20 YEARS AFTER, NCCA, Moscow, Russia 2011 Project 59, SET Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 2010 59 SECONDS (and beyond), Spectre Gallery, NY 2009 59 FEET UNDER NCCA, Moscow, Russia 2008 SHAVING PERFORMANCE Tank, NYC 2004 20 YEARS AFTER, Palitra Gallery, Kharkov, Ukraine 2000 NATIONAL & GEOGRAPHIC Spaces, Cleveland, OH 1998 VISIONS& BEGEGNUNG Halle, Germany 1998 59 PIECES OF USEFUL ADVICE, J. Goldstein Gallery, NYC 1993 ART AND THE FAMILY, Atrium Gallery, Cleveland 1992 REQUIEM, A-3 Gallery, Moscow 1992 PORTRAITS OF GREAT PEOPLE, A-3 Gallery, Moscow 1992 APHRODITE EX OVUM, Sadovniki Gallery, Moscow 1990 OBJECTS, Regina Gallery, Moscow
GROUP: 2017 EXPANDING TERRITORIES | department of lost places and new memories, Moscow Darwin Museum, Parallel Program of the 7th Moscow Biennial of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia 2017 Commemorating the Russian Revolution, 1917/2017 Zimmerli Art Museum/Rutgers 2017 Art in Odd Places (AiOP):SENSE 14th Street in Manhattan, NYC 2017 Green Point Film Festival, Brooklyn, NY 2017 Another Experiment by Women Film Festival, New Filmmakers series, Anthology Archives, NYC 2017 ETERODOSSIA, Carinola, Caserta, Italy 2017 Tonal Shift, Station Independent Projects, NYC 2017 Parallel Show with Frans Van Lent at Cloisters, NYC 2016 Visions in a Nunnery, London, England 2016 Mix&Match, performance with Hiram Levy, Art in Odd Places. Orlando, Florida 2016 Enacting the Text: Performance with Words, Center For Book Arts, NYC. 2016 UNNOTICED ART FESTIVAL Nijmegen, Netherlands and New York City, with Hiram Levy 2016 Involuntary Prisoners, Palazzo Novelli, Carinola, Italy 2016 London Biennial in Rome, Studio Ra Gallery, Rome, Italy 2016 BLOKNOT Kubiva Gallery, Nizhniy Tagil, Russia 2016 BRURAL: Crossroads of Equality and Irregularity, Temporary Storage Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 2016 Up For Debate, BRIC House, Brooklyn, NY 2015 BRURAL: Skin of Liberty, Fractured and Re-structured, Okno Gallery, Chelyabinsk, Russia, 2015 Cu-li-nar-y, Bronx Music Heritage Center, Bronx, NY 2015 The Economy of Food, Bronx River Art Center, Bronx, NY 2015 B.U.Kashkin "Lived all live and still alive" Museum of Naive Art, Perm, Russia 2015 B.U.Kashkin "Lived all live and still alive" NCCA, Ural branch, Russia 2015 BRURAL:Skin of Liberty Fructured and Re-structured, Nizhniy Tagil Art Museum, Russi, part of the 3rd Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art. 2015 BRURAL:Skin of Liberty, Fractured and Re-stractured, FPG Brooklyn, NY 2015 Inferno Nessesario, MIDA Foundation, Auletta, Italy, 2014 DE.Fragmentation Stewart Hall Gallery, IMRC Center, University of Maine, Orono 2014 Anticipation, Cultural Center Gallupi, Burano – Venice, Italy 2014 Remixing Art and Education, Macy Gallery, Columbia University 2014 BRURAL: Shattering Phenomena, Bronx River Art Center, Bronx 2014 BRURAL: Shattering Phenomena, OkNo gallery, Chelyabinsk, Russia 2014 BRONX SPEAKS NO BOUNDARIES The Bronx Museum, Bronx, NY 2013 De.Fragmentation. Pixxelpoint 2013, Nova Gorizia, Slovenia 2013 MAPnificent, Bronx River Art Center, Bronx 2013 EXPO MANIFESTO BRUT, Les Villettes Belgium 2013 MAPnificent, AIGA Philadelphia Space, Philadelphia, PA 2013 MANIFESTO BRUT Magma Museum, Roccamonfina, Italy 2012 THE TGV IN 50 SECONDS Co.Ar.Co.Art France 2012 FOREIGN BODIES, SET Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 2012 FOREIGN BODIES, Barbur Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel 2012 SOMATOTOPIA Public Space 1 gallery, Iowa City, Iowa 2012 CITY AS CONCEPT Center for Contemporary Culture, Ekaterinburg, Russia 2011 RE-PRODUCTION, Sofia Arsenal Museum for Contemporary Art, Sofia, Bulgaria 2010 WALL OF FAME, First Ural Industrial Art Bienniale, Ekaterinburg, Russia 2010 COMVIDEO, Apexart Gallery, New York, NY 2010 FIELD RECORDINGS, Five Years Gallery, London, UK 2010 209 YEARS OF ART, SET Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 2009 INTERRUPTED CORRESPONDENCE James Taylor Gallery, London, UK 2009 +7(495), NCCA, Moscow, Russia 2009 MEDIA FORUM, Moscow International Film Festival 2009 MOSCOW-NEW YORK=PARALLEL PLAY, Chelsea Art Museum, New York, NY 2008 REGINA: 990 Regina Gallery, Moscow, Russia 2008 ATLANTIDA A3 Gallery, Moscow 2007 CHIENNA Performance Festival, Campagna, Italy 2005 PI – FIVE Cologne, Berlin, Germany 2005 VIENNA INDEPENDENT SHORT FILM, Vienna, Austria 2004 APRIL SHOWERS, Judson Memorial Church, NYC 2004 FIRSTPROVFEST, Providence, RI 2004 REDSHIFT, Anthology Film Archives, New York, NY 2004 X-FEST Festival, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY 2003 MULTIPLES, Kingsborough College Art Gallery, Brooklyn, NYC 2003 TOUCH, Akhmatova Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 2003 AAAMERICA Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics, The Anti-War Cabaret, NYC 2002 LOVE A COMMUTER PROJECT, New York, NY 2002 FREE MANIFESTA, Frankfurt, Germany 2001 PRIXARS ELECTRONICA, Linz, Austria 2001 TACTILE ART Art Polygon Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia 2000 E-EUROPE, Bronx River Art Center, Bronx, NY 2000 MILLENNIYA, The C.A.S.E. Museum, Jersey City, NJ 2000 BULGARIA, NY Elizabeth Foundation, New York, NY 2000 FEMININITY’S REDRESS, Angel Orensanz Foundation, Center, New York, NY 2000 LONGWOOD ARTS DIGITAL RESIDENCY PRESENTATIONS @ Thundergulch & Smack Melon Gallery, NYC 1999 MERE WORDS, Longwood Arts Gallery, NYC |
Awards Recognition, Distinctions and Grants 2015 BAC SPARC fellowship 2014 Sergey Kuryokhin Modern Art Award Nomination «Best Сuratorial Project» 2014 PSC CUNY Travel Grant 2012 Vilcek Foundation dArtboard Artist of the Year 2007 Speakers Program, State Department Fellowship 2004 Providence Department of Art, Culture Grant 2000 Trust of Mutual Understanding Grant 1999 Franklin Furnace, The Future of the Present; 1999 Longwood Art Digital Residency Program 1998 BRIO Award; 1998 VISION II Award (Germany) 1998 CEC ARTSLINK Grant 1997 Chile Performance Art Festival Fellowship 1996 Cleveland Performance Art Festival Fellowship |