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Spanish Courses


Emphasis on correct pronunciation through intensive oral practice, use of the Language Laboratory and audiovisual materials, acquisition of basic vocabulary, and the elements of grammar for conversation, comprehension, reading, and writing.

A one-semester course for students without previous training in the language, or, as indicated by the Language Placement Examination score. Emphasis on correct pronunciation through intensive oral practice, use of the Language Laboratory and audio- visual materials, acquisition of basic vocabulary and the elements of grammar for conversation, comprehension, reading and writing.

Further development language skills, comprehension, speaking, reading and writing.

Prerequisite: SPA 100 or acceptable Language
Placement Examination score
Flexible Core: World Cultures and Global Issues (Group A)

Further development language skills, comprehension,speaking, reading and writing.

Prerequisite: SPA 100, acceptable Language Placement Examination score or department permission.

Flexible Core: World Cultures and Global Issues (Group A)

As a primary textbook, we use Ap ntate! Espa ol Introductorio, by Ana Mar a P rez-Giron's & Thalia Dorwick.  First Edition.  (New York: McGraw Hill, 2010), an excellent text with interactive CD-ROM, audio CD and other tools that assist professors and students alike. In addition to the scheduled classes, a state of the art Language Laboratory, weekly professors office hours, cultural activities, and free tutorial services create a wide range of possibilities beyond the classroom for those students who want to achieve excellence in their learning process.

At the end of this course, students should be able to create and understand Spanish sentences in simple and perfect tenses, in both oral and written forms.  In addition to that, they should be able to use different kinds of adverbs in order to describe actions.


Progressive development of language skills, based on foundations established in elementary Spanish. Grammar review supplemented by readings of modern Spanish literature. Details...
Prerequisite: Spa 200 or acceptable Language Placement Examination score

This French 300 course will foster a progressive study, a cycle of listening, practicing, and personalizing which will make your endeavor both rewarding and enjoyable . It will be asked from students to think and reflect by comparing French culture to their own.

Students will be encouraged to participate and respond to simple questions about their family, their life and their recent activities through short illustrated in class presentations.

Students will often find a person in situations with which they can identify. They will introduce themselves, ask for directions .For example, they will be asked what they would do in similar situations.

Students will be encouraged to put to use what they have just learned, their activities involve negotiating, real life situations such as ordering a meal, discussing their schedule, finding out what their partners did and practicing it until they are comfortable with their performance .The student verbal ability will definitely improve by preparing for and participating in this exercise of interaction.

Advanced grammar, composition and reading of modern Spanish authors.
Prerequisite: Spa 300 or acceptable Language Placement Examination score

Advanced grammar and composition through selected readings in Hispanic literature.

Prerequisite: SPA 300, acceptable Language Placement Examination score or department permission.

Flexible Core: World Cultures and Global Issues (Group A)

Si Ud. tom la clase de SPA 300 puede matricular SPA 400 sin necesidad de hacer ning n tr mite adicional.

Si Ud. no ha tomado SPA 300 pero puede leer este mensaje en espa ol, es posible que la clase de SPA 400 sea una buena opci n para Ud. Se trata de un simple examen que requiere de's lo unos pocos minutos de su tiempo y cuyo resultado reflejar su grado actual de dominio del idioma espa ol, d ndole el resultado inmediatamente. Una vez que Ud. termine el examen, el programa de la computadora abrir autom ticamente el nivel que Ud. debe matricular seg n los resultados del examen. Luego, simplemente seleccione la Secci n que m's se ajuste a sus necesidades o preferencias. Si necesita m's informaci n, p ngase en contacto con el Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras llamando al tel fono (718) 368-5403.

SPA 400 presenta lecturas b sicas de diferentes literaturas hisp nicas con ejercicios de interpretaci n y uso adecuado del idioma. Es una clase impartida en espa ol que le ayudar a profundizar sus conocimientos de la cultura hisp nica y su lengua. Adem s, SPA 400 le permite ganar tres cr ditos que cuentan como una clase de literatura m s,'s lo que en espa ol.

As que no lo piense m s. Si ya tom SPA 300, no se quede ah ; algunos de sus amigos lo esperan en la clase de SPA 400. Y si no ha tomado la clase de SPA 300, ll menos de todas formas para recibir m's informaci n al respecto. Lo esperamos!

Teachers are introduced to Spanish language fundamentals. Development of basic conversational ability, grammar patterns, understanding writing and reading through intensive practice in the classroom. Language lab drills use computer software, audio-visual and musical materials. Exploration of the different approaches for teaching Spanish to children, and teaching Spanish-speaking children. OPEN to TEACHERS ONLY or Department permission.

Further development of language skills for teachers includes: study of basic grammatical patterns; development and acquisition of new vocabulary; ample utilization of language lab and classroom drills; use of computer software, audio-visual and musical materials. Exploration of the different approaches for teaching Spanish to children, and teaching Spanish-speaking children. OPEN to TEACHERS ONLY or Department permission. Prerequisite: Spa 1100 or equivalent

For students who have had three or more years of high school Spanish but have not studied the language for a substantial period of time, or for Spanish heritage speakers with limited formal training in the language.

 For Spanish-speaking students, stress on improvement of reading and writing skills.

Prerequisites: Native conversational ability, acceptable Language Placement Examination score, and department permission.

Flexible Core: World Cultures and Global Issues (Group A)

¿Cuándo y cómo se deben colocar los acentos o tildes en las palabras en español? ¿Qué tienen en común el inglés y el español? ¿En qué se parecen y en qué se diferencian los países hispanos? Estos y otros muchos temas son tratados en SPA 1800, un curso diseñado para estudiantes hispanos que desean mejorar su español y profundizar en sus raíces culturales. Incluye conversaciones y lecturas de los diversos países hispanos, filmes y otras muchas actividades.

Si Ud. entendió el párrafo anterior es muy posible que SPA 1800 sea una buena opción para Ud. Se trata de una clase que le permite ganar tres créditos que cuentan como una clase de literatura más, sólo que en español. Vaya a Placement Exams para tomar el llamado Foreign Language Placement Examination ahora mismo, un simple examen que requiere de sólo unos pocos minutos de su tiempo y cuyo resultado reflejará su grado actual de dominio del idioma español, dándole el resultado inmediatamente. Una vez que Ud. termine el examen, el programa de la computadora abrirá automáticamente el nivel que Ud. debe matricular según los resultados del examen. Luego, simplemente seleccione la Sección que más se ajuste a sus necesidades o preferencias. Si necesita más información, póngase en contacto con el Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras llamando al teléfono (718) 368-5403.

Así que no lo piense más. Tome el examen o llámenos para recibir más información al respecto. ¡Lo esperamos! ¡Nos vemos!

Practice in conversational patterns and basic vocabulary leading to fluency in everyday situations.
Prerequisite: Spa 200 or three years of high school Spanish or Department permission

A study, analysis and discussion of the most outstanding literary productions of Spain, from the Middle Ages to contemporary texts. The course is taught entirely in English.
Pre or corequisite: ENG 12

For students who wish to explore the high points of Spanish-American literature. The course is taught entirely in English. OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS.

Outstanding facets of Latin-American culture, includes all important historic, political, literary and artistic movements, individuals, ideas and periods. Grammar, literature and composition emphasized through reading selected representative authors and works from each period. Instruction is in both Spanish and English. 
Prerequisite: SPA 400 or 1800 or Department permission.

Outstanding facets of Spanish-American culture, includes all important historic, political, literary and artistic movements, individuals, ideas and periods. Grammar, literature and composition emphasized through reading selected representative authors and works of each period. Instruction is in both Spanish and English.

 Prerequisite: SPA 400 or SPA 1800 or department permission.

 Flexible Core: World Cultures and Global Issues (Group A)

España y en Hispanoamérica se habla, fundamentalmente, el mismo idioma, constituyen entes culturales diferentes. Es cierto que el origen principal de la cultura hispanoamericana se encuentra en su contraparte española, pero de esa raíz han surgido nuevas formas de representar una historia y un modo de ser que, aunque a inicios de la Colonia eran muy semejante a la peninsular, el devenir histórico las ha hecho tan independientes desde el punto de vista cultural como lo llegaron a ser las nuevas naciones en lo político.

Este curso hace hincapié en los aspectos históricos, literarios y artísticos de Hispanoamérica que la hacen diferente de sus orígenes peninsulares. Se estudian los más importantes movimientos culturales, los creadores más representativos y las obras más destacadas tanto dentro de la literatura como en la música y las artes plásticas. Los elementos lingüísticos se introducen en base a los textos estudiados. 

Para tomar este curso se requiere haber pasado previamente de manera satisfactoria el curso SPA 4 o el curso SPA 18. Sin embargo, si Ud. estudió en cualquier país hispano hasta el nivel secundario, es muy posible que pueda matricular este curso con un permiso especial del Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras en base a un simple examen de la lengua. Tenga presente que se trata de una clase que le permite ganar tres créditos que cuentan como una clase de literatura más, sólo que en español. Para más información, llámenos al teléfono (718) 368-5403. ¡Esperamos su llamada!

A study of contemporary Latin American culture as revealed in the short story genre. Examination of texts in translation will reveal their particular qualities to students who are not necessarily conversant with the Spanish language.
Prerequisite: ENG 12

Intended to improve and reinforce the students' skills in areas such as orthography, vocabulary, syntax, analytical writing and stylistics.
Prerequisites: SPA 1800 or acceptable Language Placement Examination score. 

Introduction to the fundamentals of the Spanish language specifically prepared for Education Associate, Early Childhood Education, Nursing, Sports, Fitness and Therapeutic Recreation students. This course is not intended for heritage speakers of Spanish. Prerequisite: Major Program Advisor permission

For students who wish to speak fluently in current idiom. Intensive practice and group discussions on general and cultural topics. Through study of selected short fiction, brief plays and journalistic materials from well-known authors, students enlarge vocabulary, knowledge of native idiomatic expressions and of literary concepts.
Prerequisite: SPA 300 or Department permission

Survey of the significant literary productions of Spanish America from colonial beginnings to the present, with special attention to the major authors of the 20th century. Instruction is in Spanish.
Prerequisite: SPA 400 or equivalent or Department permission.

Survey of the significant literary production of Spanish America from colonial beginnings to the present, with special attention to major authors of the 20th century.

Instruction is in Spanish.

La literatura hispanoamericana, aunque utiliza el mismo idioma que la literatura espa ola, tiene grandes diferencias tanto en forma como en contenido. Este curso brinda una visi n panor mica de esa literatura desde tiempos de la Colonia hasta nuestros d as, con especial nfasis en los autores del siglo XX. Se incluyen lecturas de todos los g neros literarios y de los movimientos art sticos m's importantes, con selecciones de escritores tan conocidos como Sor Juana In's de la Cruz, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Jos Mart , Rub n Dar o, Gabriela Mistral, Miguel ngel Asturias, Octavio Paz, Gabriel Garc a M rquez, Ren Marqu s, Jorge Luis Borges, Mario Vargas Llosa, y otros.

Para tomar este curso se requiere haber pasado previamente de manera satisfactoria el curso SPA 400. Sin embargo, si Ud. estudi en cualquier pa's hispano hasta el nivel secundario, es muy posible que pueda matricular este curso con un permiso especial del Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras en base a un simple examen de la lengua. Tenga presente que se trata de una clase que le permite ganar tres cr ditos que cuentan como una clase de literatura m s,'s lo que en espa ol. Para m's informaci n, ll menos al tel fono (718) 368-5403. Esperamos su llamada!

Development of skill and facility in Spanish grammar, composition and oral communication. Prerequisite: SPA 400 or equivalent or Department permission

Chronological study of major Spanish historical events and developments, from earliest times to the present. Political, literary and artistic movements, important historical figures, ideas and periods are examined as selected texts, representative of each period, are read and examined. Instruction can be in Spanish or English. Details...
Prerequisite: SPA 400 or equivalent or Department permission

Study of the most outstanding films and film scripts in the Spanish cinema. Instruction is in English with a view toward developing an appreciation of the history, art and aesthetics of the Spanish cinema and increasing the students' Spanish language experience. 

Study of the folkloric expressions of the Puerto Rican people in sundry forms - literary, musical, esoteric beliefs, etc., exploring their sources and development as influenced by all three historical cultural groups in Puerto Rico: the Native American Indian, European Spanish, and black African. The course will delve into their influence on present-day Puerto Rico. Instruction is in Spanish and English.
Prerequisite: SPA 400 or equivalent or acceptable score on the Language Placement Examination

Exploration of the culture of Latin America through film. AI films are subtitled in English and the course will be taught entirely in English.

Independent study of Spanish is developed individually between student and faculty member and must be approved by the Department. 

This course is of a topical and pilot nature and is designed to meet the immediate needs and interests of various student populations. It is offered for a maximum of two semesters.