Equal Opportunity & Diversity Management
Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity Management
The Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity Management's (OEO) purpose is to serve the students and staff of Kingsborough Community College. Our function is to educate students, staff, faculty and administrators regarding their rights and responsibilities. In doing so, Kingsborough will promote and ensure compliance with all aspects of federal, state and city laws, as well as City University of New York non-discrimination/sexual misconduct policies and regulations.
The Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity Management provides on-site department/unit EEO trainings. To request an EEO workshop for your department, office or unit, please call (718) 368-6896 or Email: AskOEO@kbcc.cuny.edu
Chief Diversity Officer/Title IX Coordinator.
ADA/Section 504 Coordinator
EEO/Affirmative Action Officer
Victoria A. Ajibade, Esq.
Academic Village Room V-125
Tel: (718) 368-6896
Fax: (718) 368-6894
Title IX Coordinator
Human Resources Diversity Program Manager
Principal EEO Trainer
Brian Brennan Jr.
Room E116
Tel: (718) 368-6889
Fax: (718) 368-6894
Key Documents
I. Non-Discrimination/Sexual Misconduct Policy and Charge of Discrimination Form
II. KCC Complaint Intake Form
III. Public Notification of Non Discrimination Sexual Misconduct Policy