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Third-Party Tools

Blackboard Third-Party Tools Request Form


Third-party tools such as Building Blocks (B2) and Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) are used to connect external learning tools into the Blackboard LMS in order to add or give both faculty and students access to supplemental information or functionality to complete coursework.

If you are reading this you have identified a Blackboard third-party tool you want added to CUNY’s Blackboard Learning System for use at Kingsborough Community College.  You have also discussed this need with your Blackboard Administrator and know that since the centralization of Blackboard, individual campuses are not authorized, nor have access, to load new third-party tools into the CUNY wide system.

As a result, all inquiries for new third-party tools must first be requested and outlined in writing at the campus level and presented to the local Blackboard Administrator for that campus.  Completed proposals are then sent by your Blackboard Administrator to CUNY's Blackboard Management Council (BMC) Building Blocks committee for review – See Building Block Procedures for more information.

Please note all teaching environments are subject to CUNY policies and procedures such as privacy/FERPA, content copyright, licensing, data retention, reliability (SLA) etc. and these should be considered in full. It is recommended to consult with your campus Procurement, Legal and Information Security representatives and visit the CUNY Information Security website.

In order to initiate the tool approval and installation process, please complete the following detailed proposal outlining:

  • What the tool does and what it is used for
  • Why it is needed and how many students on average per semester would be using it
  • Date and semester needed as well as any training needs required
  • Who will be providing support for the tool

Please also indicate (if possible) whether or not other campuses and/or programs may be interested in the tool so they can be added to the report.  This will aid the approval process if you can show other campuses are interested as well. Note that at any point in the process your application may be returned to you for further review and revisions.

General Information
(Last, first, middle initial)
Type of Tool*
Expected Go Live In CUNY's Blackboard Production Environment*
Company Name - Website - Primary contact person (both technical support and sales) - Name - Telephone - Email Address

Proposal Summary

This section should include a general summary of the tool proposal.

[Note: Do your best to keep it short while including the following:  Brief description of your department - Purpose and anticipated end result of the tool being requested - Number of students and courses impacted]

Proposal Details

This section identifies what work is to be done, training, support, and technical aspects of the tool.

8- Will the Usage of the Tool Requires Ongoing Vendor Service(s)?*
9- Vendor Service(s) Will Be Acquired Via:*
Legal and Data Security Review - The information in this section is needed to assure the third-party tool complies with CUNY policies and procedures such as privacy/FERPA, content copyright, licensing, data retention, reliability (SLA) etc.