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Medgar Evers/Kingsborough Bridge Program



For more Information Contact:

  • Prof. Anna Rozenboym
  • Kingsborough Community College
    Biology Department
  • (718) 368-6703
  • Prof. Ed Catapane
  • Medgar Evers College
    Biology Department
  • (718) 270-6203

Mission and Goals

The Medgar Evers/Kingsborough Bridge Program has established an educational environment and mechanism to increase the number and quality of undergraduate students completing an Associate Degree in Science who continue to the Bachelor's level with an ultimate aim of entering a career in the biomedical sciences.  Our aim is to actively promote the academic success of underrepresented minority students by establishing  a two year long intervention and enrichment program using the combined resources of Medgar Evers College and Kingsborough Community College, both units of the City University of New York,  both of which are located in Brooklyn.  The program:

  • promotes student interest, excitement and ability to pursue biomedical studies.
  • promotes student awareness of the accessibility of biomedical careers through continuation of their education.
  • improves student verbal, written, mathematical and social skills to provide them with the basics to successfully pursue biomedical careers.
  • promotes student realization of the relationships of biomedical studies to all aspects of their lives.
  • provides a smooth transition into a senior college for students graduating from Kingsborough Community College.

This program is available to federally recognized underrepresented minority students majoring in the biomedical sciences with a minimum GPA of 2.7.  It provides students with:

  • one-on-one faculty mentored research projects,
  • presentation of this work at scientific conferences,
  • attending classes in Research Methods and Bioinstrumentation(Bio 61 and Bio 62),
  • field trips to scientific institutions,
  • publishing abstracts,
  • focused career and academic advisement.