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Kingsborough Learning Center

Tutoring Subjects

List of Tutoring Subjects

Ant 37 - Intro to Anthropology

EDC 20 - Foundations of EDU

EDC 21 - Social Sci in Education

MH 11 - Intro to Human Services

Psy 11 - General Psychology

Psy 24 - Disorders of Children

Psy 30- Child & Adolescent Development

Psy 32 - Human Development

Psy 36 - Abnormal Psychology

Soc 31 – Intro to Sociology

Soc 32 – Urban Sociology

Soc 35 – Family Sociology

BIO 100 -Topics in Biology

Bio 11,12 - Anatomy & Physiology 1 & 2

Bio 13,14 - General Biology 1 & 2

BIO 2100 -Comparative Anatomy

BIO 2200 -Developmental Biology

Bio 28 - Biology of Women

Bio 33 - Intro to Modern Biology

Bio 37 - Human Genetics

Bio 49 - People & Environment

Bio 50 - General Microbiology

Bio 51 - Micro in Health/Disease

Bio 52-Marine Biology

BIO 5300 -Ecology

Bio 61-Research Methods

Bio 62- Biological Instrumentation

BIO 6500-Molecular & Cellular Biology

Bio 70 - Science Nutrition

ACC 11,12 - Fundamentals 1,2

ACC 21,22 - Intermediate 1,2

ACC 31,32 - Cost 1,2

BA 11 - Fundamentals

BA 12 - Business Law 1

BA 14 - Marketing

BA 31 - Org Behavior & Management

BA 60 - Intro to Computers

ECO 12 - Macroeconomics

ECO 13 - Microeconomics

ECO 14 - Money & Banking

Speech 21- Effective Public Speaking

Arabic1 & 2 Elementary 1 & 2 

Chi 1, 2 - Elementary 1, 2

Fr 1,2 - Elementary 1,2

Fr 3 - Intermediate 1

Heb 1,2 - Elementary 1,2

Heb 3 - Intermediate

Ital 1,2 - Elementary

Ital 3 - Intermediate 1

Span 1,2 - Elementary 1,2

Span 3 - Intermediate

Span 4 - Literature Readings

Span 18 - Grammar for Natives

Span 36 - Syntax & Composition

Span 40 - Spanish for Careers

His 11,12 - American Civ 1,2

His 15 - Civil War Era

His 20 - Immigrants in America

His 31 - Europe - Napoleon to Hitler

His 34 -Military History

His 50 - Blacks in American History

His 51 - Ancient World

His 52 - Roots of Modern World

His 59 - Modern America

His 62 - NYC

His 69 - American Jewish History

Phi 71 - Classical Philosophy

Phi 72 - Modern Philosophy

Phi 76 - Ethics & Morality in the Health Profession

Pol 50 - Intro to Political Theory

Pol 51 - American Government

Pol 63 - Criminal Justice

Math 4A - Mathematical & Quantitative Reasoning Mat8-Practical Mathematics for Today's World

Math 5 - Introduction to Mathematical Thought

Math 7 - Principles of Math

Math 800 - Practical Math for Today's World

Math 9 - College Algebra

Math 9BO - College Algebra for STEM Majors

Math 10 - Trigonometry

Math14 - Pre-Calculus

Math15 - Calculus 1

Math 16 - Calculus 2

Math 20 - Statistics

Math 20B0-Statistics with Algebra

Math 21 - Calculus 3

Math2200 -  Business Statistics

Math 55 - Differential Equations

Math 56 - Linear Algebra

Mat 9010 -Introduction to Mathematics and College Algebra

CIS 1500 -Applied Computer Architecture

CIS 21- Web Page Development

CIS 31 - Intro to Database

CP500 - Intro to Computer Programming

CP 11 - Intro to Computers

CP 21 - C Programming 1

CP 22 - C Programming 2

CP 61 - JAVA Programming 1

CP 62 - JAVA Programming 2

CS 12 - Intro to Computing

CS 14 - PC Assembler

CS 35 - Discrete Structures

CS 37 - Data Structures


Chm 01 - Preview of Chemistry

Chm 11,12 - General Chemistry 1,2

Chm 31,32 - Organic Chem 1,2

EPS 31- Meteorology

EPS 33 - Physical Geology

EPS 35 - Astronomy

EPS 36-Planets

EPS 38 - Intro to Earth Science

Phy 11,12 - General Physics 1,2

Phy 13,14 - Advanced General 1,2

Phy 30 - Everyday Physics

Sci 25 - Phy Sci/Health Careers

Sci 37 - Chem & the Environment

Sci 51 - People and the Environment

Sci 70 - Science of Nutrition

EGR 22- Intro to Electrical Engineering