Kingsborough Focus - News Magazine Video Segment
Welcome to Kingsborough Focus. I'm your host, Sapphire Athea Windsor, and today our reporter, Umberto Gorgone, will take us on a journey to understand just how important it is for students to take advantage of the Center for Career Development, or as you know at best, C 102, Kingsborough Community College was recently recognized as one of the leading community colleges in the country. The college serves a widely diverse population of approximately 14,000 students. And consistency ranks among the leading community colleges in the country, and associates degrees awarded to minority students. The college understands that a degree is only the first step in a successful career path. Which is why the Center for Career Development and Experiential Learning aspires to be recognized as the premier resource for students. Providing services, programs, and events to enhance students learning and development throughout career exploration and experiential learning, including course selection, resume building, and interview techniques. We ask students to tell us how the center has helped them. Visiting the office, I got a lot of information like I don't know how to make a resume. They told me that they could help me as App students, so I'm required to see them once a semester. But I go even more than that. I've went for a mock interview and I've also went for resume help. They usually, they help me and they talk to me about what I should do, what classes I should take, what schools I should probably transferred to. They also help me with my resume as well. They help me update. The center helped me a lot. Will my resume professional way with a cover letter. Did they help you with anything else? Yes, they'd be confident on me to go outside and get the job located in C 102. The center offers various resources to assist students in their job search and career exploration. We spoke to Kisha Daniel who took us through what student will expect when first come into the center. This is Jane Bob just showcasing how students should dress professionally to interviews. These are for students to look at. If they're interested in it, they pick it up. We also have our newsletter, which is always available, where discuss opportunities for this semester for students. I'm always looking for students to be prepared to have some knowledge and be ready to work with the advisor. Meet me halfway so that we can assist you and that you can go into the real world in the workplace. And remember the censors resources are in two categories, career development and experiential learning. Career development, which focuses on job search and career exploration, which include choosing a major workshops, internships, job search assistance, resume writing, and interview preparation. Spoke to Marissa Joseph, Associate Director for Career Services, to tell us more about the Center for Career Development and Experiential Learning. Long gone are the days where students just get a degree and walk into the door and get a job. They need to start preparing for their career. From the time they step into the college, it's very important that career services is utilized and students start to develop those skills, start planning goals, because even though they may go on and hopefully they do go on for that Bachelor's degree or Master's degree, they need to have that experience under their belt and be familiar with the field that they're going into there. You're always constantly just helping students to strive for more All the time. Yes, constantly developing themselves and educating themselves about the field that they want to go into. Thank you, Alberto, for such an informative segment and thank you all for joining us today. Remember, being a student at Kingsborough Community College is only the first step towards having a successful career path, and also you're not alone. Both current students and alumni can take advantage of the services being offered by the Center for Career Development and an Experiential Learning, which is located in C 102. Stop by and see what they have to offer. This is Sapphire Bethea, Windsor for Kingsborough Focus.